Parents Make A Difference!
While alcohol continues to be the most widely used drug by youth in the U. S., you can make a difference! Research shows that teens say parents/caregivers are the most important influence on their decisions about drinking alcohol.
Help them by participating in:
Help them by participating in:

TALK..... to your teen about the dangers of underage drinking.
- Short and long term consequences of drinking alcohol
- Impact of alcohol on brain development. The brain is not fully developed until a person is in their mid 20's. Alcohol can alter brain function long term.

MONITOR..... your teen's activities and the alcohol in your home.
- Know where your teen is and who their friends are
- Keep track of the alcohol supply in your home

SECURE..... alcohol in locked cabinets or containers.
- Lock alcohol in cabinets and other storage areas that are not accessible to your teen
- Set a rule that alcohol in the refrigerator is off limits

SUPPORT..... your teen's health and safety, build trust and reinforce positive behavior.
- Listen without judgement
- Acknowledge positive behavior and achievements
- Help them learn refusal skills- ways to say "No."
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)- "Talk. They Hear You." Campaign
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)- "The Power of Parents"-
Hidden in Plain Sight- Interactive experience of a typical teen's bedroom to educate parents/caregivers to recognize signs of alcohol or drug use.